
Monday, August 31, 2009

(insert witty title here)

My husband says I need to blog so that he can stalk me.

I will indulge him.

When asked what I should write about, he stated "Grad school since you like it so much." I would have thought he had heard enough about how much I love it and how big of a nerd I have realized I am. But, I guess all of you, or just you, however many people see this silly little blog, don't know how giddy I am over grad school.

I'm sure my feelings will change as time goes one, projects are due, and tests are administered. Right now, here in the quiet of it all, I absolutely love grad school. Mind you, I am only a week in and have had few assignments other than a boat load of readings and some reflection papers. Funny thing is, Im not much of a reader, I managed to get through high school and college barely reading for any assignments. I understand I will not make it through grad school that way, but so far Im enjoying it.

One book I am reading for class is really good. It is called "The Lost Art of Listening" By Michael P. Nichols, PhD. It is for my counseling theory and techniques class. This book is really good, and really hits home. This book has given me a swift kick in the pants and I am only 3 chapters in. I am realizing that I am not as good of a listener as I once thought. I tend to butt in and give my observations rather than just listen and hear what someone is saying to me. Something I will be working on. I would suggest this book to anyone, so far that is.

Also, with grad school, I have made a new friend! Well a couple! Our cohort (1st yr students in school counseling) consists of 7 women and 1 man. Most women are my age, or close, with a few exceptions. Two women actually came to my church today! Lisa (a new friend) really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see what God has in store for the next two years!

Enough about Grad school.

Here are some pics from a recent zoo trip. They are just too cute!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sarah and Cliff

So its been forever since I updated. Here is the recent engagement session I did with one of my best childhood friends. They are such a fun and lively couple!